Department of Botany: Being a basic science department it has been strengthening the anchorage of Govt. Science College, Chatrapur since its establishment in the year 1969. B. Sc Botany (pass) was started from the academic session 1976-77. When 3 years degree courses system was introduced by NEP-1986, Botany (honours) class started from the academic session 1991-92
The experienced and dedicated faculty members of this department have produced many successful alumni with consistent manner. Students passed from this department have been joined in different services like, teachers (PGT& TGT) in Schools, faculties in colleges, Police service, Indian armed forces (Army, Air Force, Navy), Banks, different MNCs like TCS, J.P. Margan USA, Fire services, researcher in plant science and many more. Many students also opting for higher studies after B.Sc (Hons). In recent years this department has been emerged as one of the dynamic department as per performance in University examinations.
Now four regular teaching faculties and two laboratory assistant cum store Keeper’s cultivating, nurturing, mentoring the young enthusiastic mind with friendly manner. The Department have now one lecture hall, one laboratory, one store room and one staff room available. In near future more infrastructures will be added. The sanction strength of the Department is UG 48 (each batch), PG 16.
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